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Southwest Pain Relief - uses advanced & traditional therapies to help keep you moving, working, playing - and most importantly, living life to its fullest.
About Southwest Pain Relief
The Southwest Pain Relief & Laser Therapy Clinics have been in the works, since the time Dr. Anderson and his wife, Colleen (nee Galbraith), A Registered Massage Therapist moved back home to the region, a few years ago. With a desire to practice locally utilizing a successful Pain-Relief model that leveraged The Andersons' 10+ years of experience in Pain Management and expertise in Laser Therapy, the Andersons looked to set up in a Community where they could contribute in a meaningful way.
After forging relationships with local doctors and allied health professionals, they identified a healthcare need that would best serve the Community. A survey of the Region identified a high demand for Pain-focused treatment solutions and an even higher demand for non-invasive approaches to pain management. Southwest Pain Relief and Laser Therapy Clinics were borne out of necessity to best serve local doctors in their objective to help improve the quality of their patients' lives and Individuals, who were seeking alternative and new, safe ways to reduce pain so they could return to living life more fully.
Colleen Anderson, who was trained at The Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy became interested in the potential therapeutic benefits of Laser Therapy for Pain Relief, following the successful treatment of her grandmother for a debilitating arthritic pain condition. She was also a regular witness to the many types of severe and debilitating pain-related conditions that laser treatment has been able to manage, over the past 12-years that Dr. Anderson has been working in the field of Laser Therapy and Pain Management.
Upon his own graduation in 2002, Dr. Anderson opened an Integrative Medical Clinic in the Toronto region with a Family Physician, where he shared the role of Clinic Director and was responsible for the management of all Health Professionals who practiced under various Traditional and Alternative disciplines.
Dr. Anderson additionally studied and worked as Clinical Fellow for 3.5 years under Dr. Fred Kahn, MD, FRCS(C), a retired surgeon and globally recognized Pioneer in the field of Medical Therapeutics and Low-Intensity Laser Therapy. In this role, Dr. Anderson managed 10's of thousands of laser treatments, and trained doctors from around the world using the specialized and advanced form of Low-Intensity Laser Therapy, developed by Dr. Kahn.
Dr. Anderson received specialized training in this capacity.
In addition to their focus on providing Pain-Relief focused Care, Dr. Anderson brings with him broad experience working with top Olympic, Professional and Elite-level athletes from various sports, including but not limited to Golf, Hockey, Soccer, Dance, Running, Baseball and Football. He has enjoyed his connection to the local sporting community through his involvement as Coach and Trainer in Minor Hockey and Youth Soccer while serving on the South Kent Minor Hockey Association as a Board Member. It is through this privileged work at the Community and Youth level, and for the Blenheim Blades that he has been able to stay active in Sport and to provide Sports Injury type Therapy to several local Developing and Elite athletes. (Weekend Warriors, Beer-Leaguers, Old-timers, Runners, Golfers, and Seasoned athletes who are returning to Sport, have always kept us busy too - as they look for the same specialized therapy utilized at the Elite and Pro level)
The Andersons have enjoyed their return to the region as it has reconnected Colleen, and introduced Jody and their children to her childhood roots, family, and friends. Being so close to London has also made it more possible for Dr. Anderson to accept recent Guest Lecturer invitations, within the Faculty of Health Sciences, in the area of Alternative and Integrative Medicine at Western University, where he originally studied Physical Education.
Family, Heritage, and Good country living brought Colleen and her husband Dr. Anderson "back home", to raise their own family. They and the entire Southwest Pain Relief Team look forward to serving the community in the biggest way possible - by reducing pain and through better health!